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The energy green and low-carbon transformation actions have achieved remarkable results - the progress of the "Top Ten Actions to Peak Carbon"

Release time:2024-09-02click:0
Energy is a key area for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In the two years since General Secretary Xi Jinping made the major announcement of reaching carbon peak and carbon neutrality, relevant departments in all regions have thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, and conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the work of peaking carbon neutrality. The leading group has deployed requirements to actively, steadily and orderly promote green and low-carbon energy transformation actions and achieve remarkable results.
 1. Accelerate the development and utilization of non-fossil energy sources
 (1) New energy sources maintain rapid growth. Formulate and implement the planning and layout plan for large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases focusing on desert, Gobi and desert areas. The total planned scale is about 450 million kilowatts. At present, the first batch of 95 million kilowatt base projects have all started construction, and the second batch has been issued. Project list and advance the preliminary work, organize and plan the third batch of base projects. The county-wide rooftop distributed photovoltaic development pilot program has been steadily promoted. As of the end of June this year, the cumulative registered scale of the nationwide pilot projects was 66.15 million kilowatts. The construction of offshore wind power bases in the Shandong Peninsula, the Yangtze River Delta, southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong and the Beibu Gulf will be promoted in an orderly manner. Since 2020, the newly installed wind power and solar power generation capacity has exceeded 100 million kilowatts for two consecutive years, accounting for about 60% of all newly added power generation installed capacity annually. Steady development of biomass power generation. As of the end of July this year, the installed capacity of biomass power generation was 39.67 million kilowatts. Work with relevant departments to actively study and support the development of geothermal energy, non-grain biological liquid fuels, etc. Promote the industrial trial production of China's first independent cellulosic fuel ethanol demonstration device with an annual output of 30,000 tons. The "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)" was issued. In 2021, the annual power generation of new energy exceeded the 1 trillion kilowatt-hour mark for the first time.
 (II ) The construction of conventional hydropower projects is advancing steadily. Coordinate hydropower development and ecological environment protection, and vigorously promote hydropower planning and major hydropower project construction in key river basins such as the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, the middle reaches of the Yalong River, and the upper reaches of the Yellow River. The hydropower station is fully operational. Ten units of the Baihetan Hydropower Station were completed and put into operation before the end of August this year. The construction of the Jinshajiang Xulong Hydropower Station was approved in early June this year. From 2021 to June this year, conventional hydropower construction of 6 million kilowatts has been started. The national hydropower installed capacity has reached about 360 million kilowatts, an increase of about 20 million kilowatts from 2020. The goal of adding 40 million kilowatts during the "14th Five-Year Plan" has been completed by nearly 50%. strong>(3) Maintain a stable pace of nuclear power construction. Actively and orderly promote the construction of nuclear power projects such as the Hualong No. 1 and Guohe No. 1 demonstration projects and the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor demonstration project.For projects under construction, we will advance construction while ensuring quality. In January 2021, the world's first Hualong One reactor, Fuqing No. 5, was completed and put into operation. As of July this year, my country has a total of 77 nuclear power units in operation and under construction, with an installed capacity of 83.35 million kilowatts.
 2. Positive progress has been made in the clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil energy
(1) Clean and efficient development of coal Utilize continuous deepening. Give full play to the supporting role of coal and coal power in the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. We will continue to work hard to increase coal production and ensure supply, implement the responsibility system for coal safety and supply, stabilize coal supply guarantee policies, strengthen national coal output scheduling, continue to release advanced production capacity, and effectively and steadily increase coal output. Research and promote the pilot demonstration of graded utilization of low-rank coal. Fully tap into the peak output potential of coal power. Promote the elimination of backward production capacity in the coal and power industry in a steady and orderly manner. In 2021, coal-fired power, accounting for less than 50% of the installed capacity, produced 60% of the country's electricity and assumed 70% of the peak tasks. Comprehensively implement the "three-reform linkage" of coal-fired power energy-saving and carbon reduction, flexibility and heating transformation. In 2021, 240 million kilowatts have been transformed. This year, 220 million kilowatts will be continued to be transformed. To achieve the "14th Five-Year Plan", a total of 600 million kilowatts will be transformed. lay a good foundation for the goals.
 (2) High-quality development of oil and gas is further promoted. Solidly advance the seven-year action plan for oil and gas exploration and development, and vigorously enhance oil and gas exploration and development. In 2021, crude oil production will be 199 million tons, a steady rebound for three consecutive years, and natural gas production will be 207.6 billion cubic meters, with an increase of over 10 billion for five consecutive years. cubic meter. Accelerate the large-scale development of unconventional oil and gas resources. In 2021, shale oil production will be 2.4 million tons, shale gas production will be 23 billion cubic meters, and coalbed methane utilization will be 7.7 billion cubic meters, maintaining a good growth momentum. Accelerate the construction of oil and gas infrastructure, promote the construction of oil and gas trunk pipelines and key interconnection projects, and further improve the "one national network". Natural gas reserve capacity has been rapidly improved, with gas storage scale doubling in more than three years. We will solidly advance the implementation of refined oil quality upgrades and effectively ensure the supply of gasoline and diesel that meet the sixth phase of mandatory national standards. Oil and gas consumption maintains reasonable growth. In 2021, oil and gas consumption will account for approximately 27.4% of total primary energy consumption.
 (3) Accelerate the implementation of energy-based cleaning substitution in terminals. Policies such as the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting Electric Energy Substitution" have been issued to promote the continued improvement of electrification levels in key areas such as industry, transportation, construction, agriculture and rural areas. Deeply promote clean heating in northern areas, by 20By the end of 2021, the clean heating area reached 15.6 billion square meters, and the clean heating rate was 73.6%, exceeding the planning target. The cumulative replacement of bulk coal exceeded 150 million tons, contributing more than one-third to reducing PM2.5 concentration and improving air quality. Accelerate the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. As of July this year, a total of 3.98 million units have been built, which can basically meet the development needs of electric vehicles. Demonstration of comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy has been carried out. The total heating area of ​​the first and second phases of Haiyang nuclear energy heating project in Shandong exceeds 5 million square meters, achieving "full coverage" of nuclear energy heating in Haiyang urban area. Zhejiang Qinshan Nuclear Energy Heating Project was officially put into operation, becoming the first nuclear energy heating project in the south.
 3. The construction of new power systems is steadily advancing
 (1) Ability to allocate power resources across provinces and regions steadily increasing. Complete and put into operation inter-provincial power transmission channels such as Yazhong-Jiangxi, Northern Shaanxi-Wuhan, Baihetan-Jiangsu UHV DC, and accelerate the Baihetan-Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong interconnection DC projects as well as Nanyang-Jingmen-Changsha and Zhumadian - The construction of UHV AC projects across provinces and regions such as Wuhan, and actively promote the "three communications and nine direct" inter-provincial power transmission channels. Coordinate and promote the connection of the first batch of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base projects to the power grid. As of the end of 2021, the country's west-to-east power transmission capacity has reached 290 million kilowatts, an increase of 20 million kilowatts from the end of 2020.
 (2) The flexible adjustment capability of the power system has been significantly improved. Promote the flexibility transformation of coal power units. By the end of 2021, more than 100 million kilowatts of flexibility transformation have been implemented. Formulate and issue the "Medium- and Long-term Development Plan for Pumped Hydropower Storage (2021-2035)" to encourage provinces to formulate implementation plans and "14th Five-Year Plan" project approval work plans, and accelerate the construction of projects that are ecologically friendly, have mature conditions, and have excellent indicators. As of the end of June this year, the installed capacity of pumped hydro storage reached 42 million kilowatts. The “14th Five-Year Plan” New Energy Storage Development Implementation Plan was issued to accelerate the diversified, industrialized and large-scale development of new energy storage. As of the end of 2021, the installed capacity of new energy storage will exceed 4 million kilowatts. Promote the accelerated construction of qualified gas and power projects. As of the end of June this year, the installed capacity of natural gas power generation was approximately 110 million kilowatts, an increase of approximately 10 million kilowatts from 2020. Guide various localities to respond to demand side and effectively reduce peak load demand.
 4. Support and guarantee for energy transition are continuously strengthened
 (1) Energy technology innovation is accelerated. A number of major scientific and technological innovations have achieved new breakthroughs, mastered independent third-generation nuclear power technology, built the world's largest single-unit capacity of one million kilowatt hydropower units, repeatedly refreshed the world record for photovoltaic cell conversion efficiency, and successfully installed a 13-megawatt offshore wind turbine line, and new progress has been made in the research and development and application of a number of new energy technologies such as large-scale energy storage and hydrogen energy. Improve the innovation mechanism, formulate and issue the "14th Five-Year Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Energy Field", revise the assessment and evaluation methods for the first (set) major technical equipment in the energy field, and organize the first batch of national energy R&D innovation platforms during the "14th Five-Year Plan" Selection and recognition.
 (2) The reform of energy system and mechanism continues to deepen. Issue and implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Electricity Market System". Approved the implementation plan for the construction of the southern regional electricity market. We have actively and steadily promoted the construction of the electricity spot market, and six of the first batch of electricity spot pilot areas, including Shanxi, have launched uninterrupted settlement trials. In the first half of this year, the national market-based transaction electricity amount was 2.5 trillion kilowatt-hours, a year-on-year increase of 45.8%, accounting for about 61% of the entire society's electricity consumption. Carry out incremental mixed ownership reform in the new energy field and study and identify a number of key projects. Promote and improve the price formation mechanism for coal prices, electricity prices, and pumped hydro energy storage, liberalize coal power on-grid electricity prices, cancel the sales electricity prices in industrial and commercial catalogs, and promote industrial and commercial users to enter the market. Accelerate the formulation and revision of the Energy Law, Coal Law, and Electric Power Law.
 (3) Energy transition policy guarantees are further improved. Publish and implement the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Energy Transformation and Doing a Good job in Carbon Peaking", "Opinions on Improving the Institutional, Mechanism and Policy Measures for Energy Green and Low-carbon Transformation" and the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Industry , issued the "Implementation Plan on Promoting the High-Quality Development of New Energy in the New Era" to systematically promote the green and low-carbon energy transformation and form a policy synergy. Strengthen research on key and difficult issues and organize relevant parties to conduct in-depth research on energy transformation paths.
In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and work with relevant parties to continue to promote the "On Complete, Accurate and Comprehensive Implementation of the New Development Concept to Do a Good Job in Carbon Implement the relevant tasks of the "Opinions on Peaking Carbon Neutral Work" and "2030 Action Plan for Carbon Peaking", and effectively promote the implementation of a series of policies for carbon peaking in the energy field. Based on the actual national conditions, we must adhere to the principle of putting establishment first, establishing first and then breaking, and planning in an all-round way, actively and orderly promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy on the basis of ensuring the safe supply of energy, vigorously promote the adjustment of energy structure and carbon reduction of the energy industry chain, promote coal and new energy optimization combination, strengthen energy technology innovation and integrationThe system reform will provide green, low-carbon, safe and reliable energy guarantee to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as scheduled.

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